A 3 month intensive programme with training videos, workbooks and resources to cover everything you need
I work with marketing- and sales-averse coaches from beginners to veterans who want to build successful and sustainable coaching businesses, who know that they need to get visible, but don't know how to do so in an authentic way.
What if you could learn how to get new clients online with ease and simplicity even if you don’t think that you have a marketing or sales bone in your body?
You totally CAN learn the A, B, C’s of systematically marketing and selling your coaching services organically, in an authentic way, making sure that your business survives and thrives.
I’ve created a 3-month, intensive coaching and learning program tailored for you if you are a coach and are ready to share your value and attract more clients to crash-proof, bulletproof and future-proof your coaching practice.
Does this sound like you?
But there's this one major stumbling block, right?
Sales and marketing.
Arrgh… why can’t your ideal clients see how brilliant you are at what you do without you have to do that sordid stuff?
It’s time to put the magic into your marketing and start attracting a steady flow of clients and income so that you can focus on being the great coach that you are, and afford to put a back-up team in place to handle your marketing, social media, admin...so that you too can afford some quality time for yourself.
And you can do this for less than R6,000 per month if you pay in full up front (which you'll pay for by running four to five coaching sessions). Does that sound do-able?
One of the things that happens is that my wonderful clients earn all of their investment back and more by the time they finish the programme.
See what what happened with one of my clients below...
"I was up against the wall. I was seriously contemplating closing my coaching consultancy because I had not gotten clients for a while,,, I thought let me give myself a chance to check if I have covered all bases before I close down a business that I started in 2008. When I called Megan, I did not have a single client.
I was always uncomfortable with marketing clients. I realised later while working with Megan that I avoided marketing by hiding behind attending meetings, and reading more. I loved these meetings because they made me feel comfortable in my misery of not having clients. Everyone complained of not getting clients. So, I figured out that I am not the only one with this problem.
I was afraid to charge appropriately for my services. I thought people would complain that the money is too much.
Clients began to trickle in and I started charging a proper fee and clients were willing to pay.
Megan systematically taught me things that I needed to do to get clients. I committed to doing them...and clients started signing up. All of a sudden, there were more clients signing up and I was speaking to more potential clients.
Almost every other week I signed up a client and was able to offset the payment of the programme. By the way I had taken money from some investment that I hoped I would not touch to pay for the programme.
I wondered how I even made money before with such sloppy marketing tactics. So, the stuff that Megan taught me works, when implemented – action is taken. It was almost like the universe was rewarding me for the consistent action I was taking." - Minah Sindane-Bloem – life coach, author, communication strategist, Peace Educator.
My name is Megan Hudson and I've been a business and management coach since 2002.
Before this, I spent 15 years in brand marketing and advertising, working on brands like Beacon Sweets & Chocolates, Sun International, Debonairs Pizza, Defy Appliances, Belgotex Carpets and many more top South African brands.
I was also regional Client Services Director for one of the top international ad agencies.
I clearly remember what it was like when I first became a coach back in 2002 and someone asked me what I did for a living.
Oh my word! I’m not usually lost for words, but that question…it got me every time without fail.
When I first qualified as a business and management coach, people didn’t really know what business, life or executive coaching was – they thought I was some sort of sports coach!
Now, at least one thing has changed – people no longer ask me if I coach some kind of sport. But, even though coaching is one of the fastest growing industries world-wide, there are still coaches (something in the region of 80%) who are not able to make a sustainable living from coaching alone.
Eeek! That’s a scary thought, especially with newly trained coaches entering the market every day.
I struggled to make my coaching practice a viable success in the early days.
I qualified in all sorts of different models, approaches, frameworks and tools in the hope that they would make me more marketable as a coach. They didn’t, and I ended up putting my coaching practice on ice and helping my husband in his business – doing the finances, which I found soul-destroying.
For years, I wasn't clear on what it was that I did, and where I could add the most value for my potential clients.
My self-confidence suffered and I regularly lay awake at night, wrestling with whether I was really doing the right thing - even though I got positive feedback from my clients.
One of the problems with coaching is that it has become increasingly commoditised over the years as more and more coaches enter the industry.
You need to be really special if you want to stand out in a crowded marketplace.
More than 10 years ago, I was approached by a professional coaching body to become their marketing and PR consultant, and was part of the Exco and management team that doubled the membership in 3 years. I did a second term, managing their member communications, event publicity and social media, so I can truly say that coaching is part of my DNA, and I definitely know the A,B,C's of marketing a coaching practice.
It was during this period that more and more coaches started coming to me for help on marketing their coaching practices to get a steady in-flow of clients. Having come from the marketing and advertising industries, and also having been a coach entrepreneur myself, I had this firm belief that we could market our practices effectively without spending a cent.
What's more, I had learned the important lesson that brand marketing and through-the-line advertising are completely different hustles from marketing a small business.
It took me 10 years to crystalise what I was offering into a niche that made people sit up and say: "I want to work with her - she can help me solve my problem."
I realised that I had something valuable to offer: my in-depth knowledge of all aspects of the coaching profession AND my brand marketing and advertising background. Why did it take me so long?
People come to me now, and not the other way around.
I never feel like I have to market myself or sell my services because I am so confident and comfortable about the value and results that my work offers.
When anyone asks me what I do, I am able to tell them quickly and clearly, without stumbling for words or grinding to an awkward halt...and I get LOADS of enquiries by practicing what I preach and teach.
Marketing without spending a cent has only gotten easier over the years…provided you are prepared to do the work. I’ve seen the results in my own practice, my husband’s consultancy, and in the many clients that I have worked with 1:1 over the years who have been prepared to do what it takes and I can show you how.
"I sold my newly-developed programme to over 30 clients when I launched it and completely covered the fee for Megan's 12 week Marketing and Sales Accelerator (plus more!).
I was looking for someone who knew their stuff at a deep level and someone who was not just going to give me textbook answers. I wanted to work with a person who genuinely cared about my business too.
The thing that convinced me was your quick response to my request for a quick zoom session and your generosity during that session. I did not feel pressured in any way to sign up with you, but I already got value out of the zoom meeting so I knew you were a 'giving' person. I liked the way you showed credibility from the start.
When we started, I had been running my own coaching practice for more than 20 years so I knew 'coaching'. I wanted to find my niche instead of just coaching anyone who asked me.
I felt that there was a transformation in myself about just over halfway into the course. All the pieces suddenly fit together and I could see the bigger picture.
I feel much more confident about who I am, what I can deliver and how I deliver. I also feel so much better by knowing what sort of clients I do not want to attract. I love the idea of my niche.
Our journey was rich, full and satisfying! Because you are knowledgeable, credible and you have substance, Megan.
What stood out for me was your ability to think what my business needs, even though we coach to a different target market. Also and especially you are very caring.
I feel as I personally have transformed from a 'grumpy tired' coach to someone who knows their value and the difference they can make. This is so freeing because now I do not coach anyone I don't feel a good fit. And I only work with people that I know I can help transform. ~ Heather Church, www.heatherchurch.co.za"
One of the biggest problems is that, as coaches, we know how to coach but we don’t know how to market ourselves effectively, and attract a steady flow of business from the right kinds of clients.
We keep doing coaching-specific or related training (which is the right thing to do), but we ignore the business side of the practice and don’t invest in the skills that it takes to create a viable, profitable business.
Does this sound like you? It was me up until a few years ago.
When we start out on our own in business, we often don’t have a marketing budget at all, and we get caught up in a vicious cycle of needing to grow our businesses and feed our customer pipelines, but not having the budget, skills or practical knowledge about how to do this.
I’ve had people say to me that they are so deeply uncomfortable about the marketing or selling process that they almost feel like they’re prostituting or pimping themselves.
When you're in business by yourself, for yourself (what I call a solo-preneur), it can be a lonely and bewildering place.
EVERYONE seems to be on Facebook, or swears by LinkedIn or Instagram or some other social media platform as the BEST solution to marketing your business, getting clients, and creating a sustainable business.
It can be extremely overwhelming: where do you start? And so, you just don't start. You bury your head in the sand and hope the situation will simply, miraculously resolve itself.
You may also simply not like Facebook or whatever social media platform seems to be the current flavour of the month. It doesn't feel right for you and you know with every fibre of your being that you are simply not going to sustain it - because it’s not the authentic YOU. You’re not a social media-type person and you’re actually a little bit intimidated by the whole “tech” thing.
So the whole marketing “monster” lurks in the back of your mind like a dreadful, menacing sword of Damocles and you feel like a bit of a failure inside.
I mean, everyone else is doing it. Why can’t you?
Well, the whole world has changed and, if you’re going to survive professionally, you NEED to get online. But you’re intimidated and overwhelmed.
There is vulnerability in visibility - I understand that.
Your fears kick in. What if no-one likes you? What if you’re a flop? What if you’re found wanting?
"Megan is fantastic. I’m about half way through a 12 week 1:1 course with Megan and I’ve learned SO much & gained a lot of extra value as well. Definitely recommend Megan for marketing your practice or clarifying your niche.
Megan is an expert in her field having been a coach for the past 20 years but also has a prior career in Marketing. Her content has so many great insights - I have learnt SO much.
But more than that, Megan has a fantastic approach & style to coaching you through how to market your business ." - Alison Coates
If this sounds like you, I’ve got great news for you: it doesn't have to be this way.
Not everyone is cut out for social media, and there are loads of marketing opportunities that even you will be able to implement without breaking a sweat PLUS because this is a 1:1 program, the focus is on creating solutions tailored just for YOU and what you are comfortable with.
We can look at all the many options available, and put a plan together that you will be able to implement with confidence and consistency, consistency, consistency (which is probably the #1 rule of effective marketing).
We can also ease you gently onto social media, giving you the tools to build your confidence until you feel like it’s a walk in the park.
But first, you need to develop your Niche Intelligence. So, what exactly is this? Have you ever been at a family or social occasion and someone you don’t know, or haven't seen in AGES starts chatting to you...and asks the dreaded question: What do you do?
Please don’t tell me that the first thing that comes out of your mouth is an “Umm...” while you start working out how to explain what you spend most of your time doing to someone!
Yes, this used to be me until I married my passion with my talents and mashed this together with my knowledge, expertise and experience. It took me 10 years, but it doesn't have to take you that long… I’ve got your back!
A large part of how we define ourselves - a determining factor in our lives - relates to the work that we do. It’s important, therefore, that the minute someone asks us what we do, that we are able to quickly, clearly, confidently, compellingly and intelligently tell them what we do in a way that doesn't bore them, create that glazed look in their eyes or completely go over their heads.
The ability to share what you do, what you are passionate about, and what value you bring is what I call Niche Intelligence. It’s about being able to tell people and potential clients who it is that you work with most effectively, where you get your best results and how you go about doing this work.
Niche is personal. It’s unique to YOU. It’s a blend of your unique gifts and talents, your experience, expertise, knowledge, skills and so much more.
Your niche is your voice, it differentiates you and it’s what you stand for.
It makes you the go-to person who is top of mind - because no-one is quite as good at it, and no-one does it quite as well as you.
It makes you stand out from the crowd.
It’s important to get clear on your niche, as this is the foundation for building your professional brand and for creating an effective, authentic marketing and sales strategy. Your niche should get people saying: “That sounds interesting. Tell me more.” It’s your proverbial foot in the door, and the rest is up to your own brand of magic.
My process has been developed and fine-tuned over 10 years, working with hundreds of solo-preneurs just like you. I get almost 100% of my business from word-of-mouth referrals because my clients get results.
“I recently worked with Megan and have found it invaluable as I execute my final quarter marketing plan.
I have managed to clarify my products, client journey & gain insight into my ideal client. Megan has provided so much information and asked questions that have sparked ideas and ignited excitement.
I can't recommend her highly enough and will certainly be working with her in an ongoing capacity going forward to ensure I maintain this clarity of thought, focus and strategy to maximise my business success.” - Claire Holden
Introducing The Marketing & Sales Accelerator for Coaches©, a 3-month, live intensive group coaching program tailored for you if you are a coach and are ready to share your value and attract more clients to crashproof, bulletproof and future proof your coaching practice.
The Marketing & Sales Accelerator for Coaches© is for you if you:
It will show you how to:
“I just wish to say thank you for our coaching sessions. I guess, in the true spirit of what coaching is all about, I really appreciate your support as a thinking partner in my journey to becoming a confident, marketable and professional coach. The amount of thought and reflection you gave to my quest was truly invaluable.” – Omega
Want to know more? Here’s what it includes:
Module 1: Your marketing and sales mindset – a few truth bombs and some help from James Wedmore
Module 2: Find, define and refine your niche and craft your core brand message
Module 3: Identify your perfect, ideal client and brand hero – because you can’t be everything to everyone
Module 4: How to get more clients immediately (and how to target those elusive corporate clients)
Module 5: Create your professional brand, brand story and brand look
Module 6: Your coaching practice business model
Module 7: The 7 essential marketing elements and tools every coach needs to have in place and how to turn them into income-generating tools
Module 8: The 3 marketing and sales rocket fuel tools that you need to consider and how to use them properly for you business with a bonus training on how to get comfortable in front of the camera and create video visibility from Briohny Williams
Module 9: Creating value content and sharing it and making sure you'll never be without inspiration with a special meditation created by top copywriter, Elizabeth McKenzie
Module 10: Creating additional revenue sources that you hadn’t even considered to upscale your business and leverage your expertise
Module 11: Creating a client welcome pack and coaching contract, and on-boarding process
Module 12: Systematising your social media
PLUS if you pay in full, up front you also get these fantastic bonuses:
It's time to CHANGE!
“I recently did your online course to find my unique niche, and I found not only a definite niche but was truly inspired to follow my passion by implementing my niche going forward.
I will gladly recommend you to everyone in the coaching industry.” - Francois Griessel
Let’s recap what you’re getting
We start with a 1:1 90 minute, in-depth review of your existing marketing presence, marketing and sales plans, online profiles, website and sales strategy
More than 12 training videos and workbooks, covering everything you need to put in place to systematically leverage your business online and increase your visibility in a safe and authentic way
12 coaching sessions with me to help you implement everything in a personally-tailored way valued at $2,000
Tech and bonus trainings to help you master and get the most out of the tech stuff
If you enroll for the full package and pay in full, you will also get the following bonuses:
Package options:
Normal Price: $2,297 once-off upfront payment (R35,000)*
3 Month Package: $897 per month x 3 months (R13,500 per month x 3 months)
6 Month Package: $497 per month x 6 months (R7,500 per month x 6 months)
So for about $200 or R3,000 investment per week and this is what you get:
A weekly training module PACKED with videos, tech tutorials and special bonus add-ons PLUS a weekly 1:1 coaching session with me.
Please note: All prices quoted in SA Rands are subject to the prevailing exchange rate and are estimates only.
* Includes the additional bonuses listed above valued at almost $900
If you choose not to change what you’re doing, then you are still making a choice. You could end up like so many coaches who go back into full-time employment, shelving their dreams of helping other people change their lives for the better.
Is this really modelling what you stand for as a coach?
Can you afford to carry on in the same way?
You could spend thousands on another coaching program, certification or accreditation, but will it really solve your immediate problem of having no clients to work with?
You have a choice, and only you can change what is going to happen.
Plus, what have you got to lose and what if it actually works?
Q: Will this work if my coaching business is brand new?
A: Yes, this is a great time to do this work for the first time so that you don't have to go through what hundreds of other coaches have gone through - trying to market themselves without getting results or being effective.
This programme eliminates that "spray and pray" approach and gives your marketing messaging direction so that you attract the right kind of client and can make successful sales easily, without feeling like you have to shove it down their throats.
Q: Do I need a website before starting this process?
A: Not at all. Many coaches effectively market themselves without having a website, and there are lots of different options or solutions to that problem. It's MY job to help you find solutions that suit YOU.
Q: Can I do this in my own time?
A: Absolutely. You will have lifetime online access to the videos and worksheets. However, we will have a weekly coaching call and it will be on the topic covered in the material for that week's module so if you want to get the most out of the programme, you want to be up to date.
Q: What if I have other questions that aren't covered here?
A: Feel free to drop me an email at megan@business-zone.co.za and I'll get back to you.
© Niche Intelligence | www.nicheintelligence.co.za